keladry_lupin wrote in 221b_recs Apr 08, 2013 19:34
pairing: fem!lestrade/mycroft, genre: au, character: mycroft holmes, content: genderswitch, character: "anthea", content: infidelity, genre: het, verse: sherlock bbc, character: fem!lestrade, character: john watson, character: sherlock holmes, character: holmes' mother, genre: romance
unovis wrote in 221b_recs Jan 09, 2011 17:42
content: amnesia, character: mrs hudson, content: alpha/omega 'verse, pairing: jw/mycroft/sh, theme: case fic, content: childhood, verse: other books, content: pets, character: fem!lestrade, character: janine, theme: at home, content: abominable bride victorian, content: bdsm, poetry, verse: acd books, character: colonel moran, genre: first time, character: anderson, pairing: jw/sarah sawyer, pairing: jw/sh/irene adler, genre: remix, pairing: mary morstan/sh, content: toys, genre: friendship, content: infidelity, pairing: moran/sh, character: charles augustus magnussen, character: john watson, content: marriage, content: hurt mycroft, pairing: jw/ofc, genre: five things, character: molly hooper, character: mary watson (mother of joan e, character: sally donovan, pairing: joan watson/marcus bell (elemen, pairing: jw/lestrade, pairing: irene adler/omc, pairing: joan watson/sh (elementary), artwork, content: meeting family, pairing: molly hooper/mycroft, pairing: lestrade/molly hooper, character: alistair moore, genre: romance, character: mike stamford, pairing: inspector gregson/sh, content: smoking, content: soulbonding, pairing: "anthea"/molly hooper, content: demisexual sh, content: tattoos, genre: het, genre: slash m/m, content: sick jw, holiday: christmas, pairing: mary morstan/kate whitney, pairing: irene adler/kate, pairing: moriarty/sh, holiday: halloween, genre: humor, content: zombies, verse: crossover, genre: magical realism, character: fem!sh, content: addiction, verse: sherlock bbc, content: unrequited love, character: alfredo llamosa, pairing: jw/sh/sarah sawyer, content: hurt jw, pairing: lestrade/mycroft, character: real person, pairing: irene adler/moriarty, character: kate whitney, verse: elementary, pairing: jw/sh/mary morstan, open recs, music, pairing: molly hooper/sally donovan, content: incest, content: ust, pairing: joan watson/mrs hudson (element, character: fem!jw, content: dub-con, verse: other films, character: marcus bell, verse: great mouse detective, genre: fantasy, genre: angst, character: inspector lestrade, character: kate (irene's maid), content: knifeplay, character: holmes' mother, content: bloodplay, content: mpreg, !tags, pairing: "anthea"/irene adler, pairing: moriarty/moran, content: vampires, pairing: jw/moriarty, content: d/s, pairing: fem!jw/fem!sh, character: joan watson (elementary), character: inspector gregson, pairing: fem!mycroft/sh, content: asexual sh, character: clara, verse: sherlock holmes general, pairing: jw/omc, content: public sex, content: psycho sh, pairing: lestrade/fem!mycroft, character: inspector hopkins, content: uniforms, character: sebastian, content: crossdressing, character: henry baskerville, pairing: irene adler/molly hooper, theme: sherlock pov, character: mycroft holmes, character: harry watson, genre: hurt/comfort, content: food, character: "anthea", genre: wing fic, content: animal transformation, character: irene adler/jamie moriarty, content: psycho jw, pairing: irene adler/sh, verse: ritchie films, pairing: fem!jw/lestrade, pairing: moriarty/mycroft, pairing: victor trevor/sh, holiday: valentine's day, pairing: fem!lestrade/mycroft, pairing: ofc/sh, genre: horror, content: hurt sh, character: ella thompson, content: kissing, genre: slash other, vids, content: non-con, genre: gen, content: drugs, content: slavery, pairing: fem!jw/sh, pairing: harry watson/sally donovan, content: bamf jw, pairing: irene adler/ofc, pairing: jw/lestrade/sh, pairing: jamie moriarty/sh, content: kid fic, pairing: mycroft/ofc, pairing: mycroft/sh, content: shaving, content: breathplay, genre: missing scene, content: self-mutilation, content: transgender, genre: au, character: the irregulars, podfic, genre: pwp, content: sociopathy, character: bertie wooster, pairing: jw/sh, genre: crack, genre: fluff, theme: female characters, genre: threesome, character: sherlock holmes, genre: established relationship, pairing: molly hooper/moriarty, saturday recs, character: other holmes brother, verse: other tv-radio, verse: granada, pairing: jw/mary morstan, pairing: jw/fem!sh, pairing: jw/sh/mrs hudson, character: mary morstan, content: underage sexuality, content: sick sh, pairing: "anthea"/ella thompson, content: post-fall, character: acd, content: post-pool, character: victor trevor, character: irene adler, content: werewolves, pairing: lestrade/sh, holiday: birthday, character: original character, content: genderbending, content: bamf sh, genre: slash f/f, genre: apoca fic, character: henry knight, content: bamf lestrade, pairing: harry watson/clara, pairing: "anthea"/mycroft, genre: crossover, genre: fusion, pairing: molly hooper/sh, content: ptsd, genre: steampunk, theme: family, character: inspector dimmock, character: jeeves, pairing: jw/mycroft, character: fem!mycroft holmes, content: hypnosis, character: lady smallwood, theme: open recs, content: music, content: bamf sally, character: sarah sawyer, pairing: sally donovan/sh, pairing: molly hooper/jw, content: clothing, content: character death, pairing: omc/sh, genre: case fic, content: genderswitch, content: texting, pairing: fem!lestrade/fem!mycroft, character: soo lin, content: retirement, meta, content: stalking, character: moriarty, content: time travel